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CHEN, Ming-Huei, Ph.D.

Office: M404 (Dean's office)

Contact Info: 886-4-23323456 ext.1950




Education Background

PhD., Manchester Business School, University of Manchester, UK

Research Expertise

Creativity, Teamwork, Entrepreneurship, Guanxi Networks

Professional Experience

  •  *Dean, College of Management, Asia University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2015 ~2019) (accredited by AACSB in 2017)
  •  *Chair Professor, Department of Business Administration, Asia University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2015 ~ 2019 )
  •  *Distinguished Professor (lifelong), Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2020 ~ now)
  •  *Department Chair, Graduate Institute of Technology Management, National Chung Hsing University, Taiwan R.O.C. (2011 ~ 2013)
  •  *Member of editorial board, the Journal Creativity and Innovation Management (SSCI),Blackwell Publisher (2005 ~ now)
  •  *Member of editorial board, International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research (SSCI), Emerald Publisher (2006 ~ now)
  •  *Member of editorial board, Journal of Technology Management (Chinese) (TSSCI) (2013 ~ now)
  •  *Fellow, Chinese Society of Management of Technology (2019)
  •  *Chairman, Society for Management of Techonology in Taichung (2019 ~ 2023)

Honors & Awards 

  •  *World’s Top 2% Scientists 2020 & 2021 (Stanford University released)
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2022 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Tu, C-H. (2022). Do social media use and addiction create more online social capital?]
  •  *Supervisor of the Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2022 CSMOT Conference, [Co-Supervised master student: Chiang, Pei-Shan, R&D Organizational Structure, Technological Capability, and Innovation Performance: The Moderating Role of R&D Slack)
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2021 Cross Strait MOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Chang, T-W. (2021). Knowledge sharing, social ties and learning community] 
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2020 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Yang, J-Y. (2020). Entrepreneurs’ Creativity Cognitive Style and Well–Being: The Perspective of Self–Determination Theory]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2020 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Chang, C-T. (2020). Managers’ Flexibility and Creative Behavior: Cognitive Style as the Moderator]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2019 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Tseng, C-Y. (2019). Stress and Well-being: Mediating Roles of Internet Addiction and Coping Styles)
  •  *Supervisor of Good Work Doctoral Thesis Award, 2018 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised doctoral student: Somya Agrawal,Exploring team behavior through entrepreneurship education in a longitudinal study: Leadership, communication barriers, networks and team performance)
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2018 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Kuo, Y-S. (2018). Social Relationship and Entrepreneurial Satisfaction: Mediated by Opportunity and Work productivity
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2017 World Business and Social Sciences Research Conference [Chen, M.-H. & Krishna, S. Linking work environment to middle managers happiness: Revisiting Herzberg Two-factor theory, World Business and Social Sciences Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 18-19.]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2016 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Yeh, Y.-J. & Agrawal, S. 2016. The Impact of Intrinsic Motivation on Team Progress: Learning From Entrepreneurship Education,Nov. 18-19]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2015 The Third Cross Strait MOT Conference and Doctoral Seminar,[Chen, M-H., Hsu, C-J. & Agrawal, S.(2015). Linking Communication Barriers and Team’s Creativity: The Influence of Entrepreneurial Leadership, Knowledge Sharing, Expressive Ties, and Team Learning Performance,Nov. 21]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper Award, 2014 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Lin, Y-C., & Chang, Y.-Y. (2014). What Makes Creative Entrepreneurs Happy? Cognitive Style, Guanxi, and Creativity]
  •  *Supervisor of Excellent Thesis Award, 2014 TSC Thesis Symposium [Supervised graduate: Lee, C-Y.,Creative Entrepreneurs’ Guanxi Networks and Entrepreneurial Success: Mediating Effects of Information accessibility and Resources availability)
  •  *Supervisor of Outstanding Student Paper Award, 2013 PICMET Conference, [Chang, Y. & Chen, M-H. Innovative cognitive style, proactive personality and employee creativity: The moderating effects of work discretion and time pressure)
  •  *The Best Conference Session Paper, 2013 ISBE Conference, [Chen, M.-H., Chang, Y.-Y. & Chang, Y-C. (2013). Exploring Entrepreneurial Team Performance: Cognition, Conflicts, and Cohesion]
  •  *Supervisor of Excellent Theis Award, 2013 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised graduate: Huang, G-G. Human Capital, Opportunity Recognition and Venture Performance in the Web-Based Businesses)
  •  *The Best Conference Session Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M-H. & Pan, Y-T. (2013). Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Study of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and CIQ in Sheffield, United Kingdom]
  •  *Supervisor of Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [Supervised master student: Pan, Yi-Tien, Cultural Creative Quarter and Urban Regeneration: The Case Study of Tianzifang in Shanghai, China and CIQ in Sheffield, United Kingdom] 
  •  *Supervisor of Excellent EMBA Master Thesis Award, 2011 CSMOT Conference, [supervised master student: Cheng, Wen-He, A Study of Innovative Business Model in Cloth Washing Industry: A Consumer Need Perspective]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Award, 2007 Chinese Society for Management of Technology Conference [Chen, M.-H. & Chen, H. Case Studies on Social Networks of R&D Teams:  A Project-Stage Perspective.]
  •  *The Best Conference Session Award, 2006 CSMOT Conference, [Chen, M.-H. & Wang, M. Social capital and entrepreneurial teams: An intra-team perspective.]
  •  *Supervisor of Excellent Master Thesis Award, 2005 CSMOT Conference, [supervised graduate student, Wang, Ming-Chao, Social capital and new ventures: A study on technology-based ventures in Taiwan] 
  •  *Supervisor of Good Work Doctoral Thesis Award, 2005 Chinese Society for Management of Technology (CSMOT) Conference, [co-supervised doctoral student, Yang, Phil Y. Yang, Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Creation: A Study of Academic Entrepreneurs in Taiwan]